Project partners

The Department of Sport Ecology is investigating effects of human activities on ecological systems. Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer, PhD-Student Phil Garthen and Dr. Veronika Mitterwallner are part of the research project AI4Wildlife.

Dr. Wibke Peters and Dr. Hendrik have been conducting research in the Veldensteiner Forest since 2020. They represent the Bavarian State Institute of Forestry in Freising, where they head the department of "Wildlife Biology and Wildlife Management".
Dr. Ludwig Bothmann, from the Chair of Statistical Learning and Data Science at LMU Munich, is available to address inquiries regarding Artificial Intelligence. He has published an AI model that enables automated image classification of data from the Veldensteiner Forest (see Bothmann et al. 2023, Ecological Informatics 77(5):102231).

The Bavarian State Forestry (BaySF) manages the majority of the study area, including parts of the Pegnitz and Schnaittenbach forest districts, according to the principles of close-to-nature, integrated forestry management.