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Automated detection of wildlife and visitor activity (AI4Wildlife)

Department of Sport Ecology

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Poster Session AI-Day

AI-Day 2025 in Bayreuth
On 7th February 2025, the AI-Day 2025 took place in Bayreuth. The event was organized by the Research Center for AI in Science & Society (RAIS), the central platform for communicating and exchanging AI expertise at the University of Bayreuth. The research project AI4Wildlife was presented with a poster titled "Applying Active Learning for Wildlife Monitoring in the Veldensteiner Forest." With a focus on the exchange between science, practice and industry, engaging discussions took place among students, lecturers, and industry representatives.

BR Documentary
A film crew from Bayerischer Rundfunk accompanied the researchers for several days and reports on it in the documentary "Zu viel los im Wald? Mit KI auf den Spuren von Tieren und Menschen (07/09/24, Gut zu wissen, BR)."


From September 9th to 13th, more than 780 scientists gathered at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Freising to attend the 53rd Annual Conference of the German Ecological Society. In dozens of sessions, researchers discussed the future of sustainable land use across ecosystems, landscapes, and biomes. The Wildlife Ecology and Wildlife Management Department of the Bavarian State Institute of Forestry (LWF) thereby focused on new challenges in wildlife ecology in the Anthropocene. In this context, the "AI4Wildlife" project was highly relevant. Project progress and goals were presented and discussed in an international forum.

Arbeiten im Gelände

Camera check
Every four months, the wildlife cameras in the Veldensteiner Forest are inspected for functionality. Additionally, data are retrieved and batteries replaced. Once a year, the researchers conduct vegetation survey directly in front of the camera traps. 

The field work is carried out by student assistants, in collaboration with PhD-Student Phil Garthen. 

Workshop Jena

Workshop "Camera traps, AI, and Ecology"
In September 2023, the international workshop "Camera Traps, AI and Ecology" took place in Jena. Wildlife ecologists and computer scientists discussed about the potential of artificial intelligence in wildlife monitoring and camera trap data analysis. Project partner Dr. Ludwig Bothmann from the LMU presented his active learning tool for automated wildlife image classification (see Bothmann et al. 2023, Ecological Informatics 77(5):102231).

Forsthaus Hufeisen

Project meeting in the Veldensteiner Forest
In August 2023, representatives from all collarborating partners met in the Veldensteiner Forest (Forsthaus Hufeisen) to discuss project goals and practical implementation with local stakeholders from the Bavarian State Forestry (BaySF). All participants are pleased with the positive and successful collaboration.


Project kickoff
At the beginning of 2023, a team of researchers from Bayreuth, Freising and Munich started the research project. The kickoff was publicly announced through press releases.

For more details see www.lwf.bayern.de/service/presse/327057/index.php and www.uni-bayreuth.de/pressemitteilung/Wildtiermonitoring.

Webmaster: Phil Garthen

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